Thursday, June 26, 2008

Innovator's Dilemma - Quote of the Day

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
-- Galileo Galilei

Monday, June 23, 2008

Innovator's Dilemma - LinkedIn Treasure

Hats off to the innovators at LinkedIn ( .... from the creators and developers to the pioneering users who are executing on innovative networking techniques. Around for years, LinkedIn is still being discovered as a wonderful, effective tool for anyone who appreciates the value of personal and professional networking.

In this hyper-business climate, best characterized by Thomas Friedman's "The World Is Flat", it is becoming increasingly critical to adapt the skills of adapting to change as we've all witnessed the disruptive impact of changing business models due to technological innovation, emerging international competitors and now the spiraling costs of energy that will again send shock waves through current business, economic and technological models as players hustle to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

A common thread in today's business climate is collaboration ... at a personal level, intra & inter company, domestically and globally. Here's where LinkedIn dovetails with helping all of us identify and harness our optimal potential. LinkedIn helps open the kimono to allow users to get visibility into who knows who, who works where, who specializes in what, etc.

LinkedIn holds a growing treasure of information that is there for users to harvest. Is LinkedIn an end-all? Of course not. It is one of many networking approaches that should be in anyone's tool-set. Does LinkedIn guarantee success? Again, no. Success with LinkedIn is up to each user. LinkedIn helps a user network and facilitates targeting for job hunting, recruiting, prospecting, collaborating and more. Once a 'target' is identified, a user has the responsibility for devising an effective approach for reaching out. Even if a response can be achieved, each LinkedIn user has the responsibility to be prepared with a compelling proposition. There's nothing new with the overarching formula, LinkedIn has just facilitated a more simplified approach to identifying folks.

Of course there are other angles. For the altruistic, LinkedIn affords the ability to create a growing network that can be shared with friends, colleagues, associates and even for the next generation of that network of contacts. There are many other uses of LinkedIn that are not addressed here that can also enhance the effectiveness of undertakings.

Thank you LinkedIn for your visionary innovation! Brilliant!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Innovator's Dilemma - Excerpt from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"

Ayn Rand's daringly original literary vision, first published in 1943, included seeds of her groundbreaking philosophy, Objectivism. In this classic, the following comes from a climatic scene in a trial of the main character, an intransigent young architect and his lifelong struggle against conventional standards and wisdom:

The next several paragraphs of this climatic scene (in a courtroom) certainly are thought provoking. Intrigued? Check out The Fountainhead, it's quite a read!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Innovator's Dilemma - Quote of the Day

You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
-- James Thurber, New Yorker, Apr. 29, 1939 "The Owl who was God"

Monday, June 16, 2008

Innovator's Dilemma - Quote of the Day

We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems. -- John W. Gardner